Friday, February 15, 2013

Words Video

The purpose of this assignment was to create a word association video that would creatively communicate different words and different ways that words are used. We used short clips of different actions and happenings to show three different words. We tried to blend together the ends of the different words to make it less abrupt. We also tried to make the ending of the video less abrupt while still trying to keep the clips short. I think we managed to make the ending creative and effective.

One of the most important things I learned from this assignment was the importance of taking multiple shots of the same thing so that you can get the clip to turn out the way you want.  We also learned If you have a shot you can’t repeat very easily like when we broke the jar, you want to get it lined up and figured out the best you can before you start to try and make it perfect the first time around. Another thing that I learned was that the sound in the clips can help communicate the word. While originally we had thought about muting the clips we found that once it was put together the sound was actually very effective. In the end I think we liked how the video was simple clips but if we did it again we might play around in iMovie more.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Around the house

I am always interested in the color combination of the pinks and purples with green. I liked how in this photo you couldn't really see anything aside from the flowers and you could clearly see the purples and the pinks and the green all together. I like how the image is close up and focused on a few flowers in the middle but still keeping the others fairly clear. I also like how the sunlight turned out working with the picture.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Light Painting

Light painting taught me about how to manipulate light and experiment with the settings for f-stop and shutter speed on my camera. If I had something I wanted to try I had to have the shutter speed adjusted to allow for the right amount of time to capture the image. The ISO needed to be low enough to capture the path of the light instead of the area the the light may have otherwise lit up. I also learned that the light painting can look more interesting abstract than if you try drawing a deliberate picture.