Friday, May 10, 2013

Visual Story

When I took pictures for this assignment, I decided to take pictures for two different stories since I wasn't sure which one I wanted to use. The first story was steeping loose leaf tea and the second one was baking cookies. The first thing I need to do next is choose a theme, since I received feedback for both possible stories. For the story about tea, some of the feedback included having an introductory photo of a collection of tea, putting the tea leaves straight into the hot water, and making the lighting warmer. This would give the story a feeling of comfort as well as a more definitive story line. There was also a suggestion of including pictures with tea cups or a tea set to have a better end of the story.
For the second story some of the feedback was similar, including adding warmer lighting and having all the ingredients out at the beginning to make a more definitive beginning.

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